Rolled beeswax candles are safe and easy to make. In fact, these are great candles to make with children.

Of course, you still need to prime your wicks and this requires you to melt some wax. So if you are making rolled beeswax candles with children, you can make your primed wicks in advance to ensure the children don’t get burnt accidentally.

When I make beeswax candles, I personally prefer to keep the candle its natural color. The natural color for beeswax is a golden amber color. I also don’t add any scents or aromas to my beeswax candles because I find the aroma of beeswax already soothing and pleasant.

Some may want to add color to their beeswax candles. If you do, then you have two options. You can either buy the beeswax in the color you want or you can buy bleached beeswax and then dye it.

If you want to make your rolled beeswax candles in a different color or with more than one color, then you will need to buy the beeswax already dyed. The reason why is because we are using sheets of beeswax to make the candle. To make your own sheets of beeswax would simply bee (woops.. a pun… get it.. bee rather than be) too much work.

Beeswax sheets have a really interesting pattern already and so when you roll the sheets of beeswax, you finish with a really nice looking candle.

It’s worth noting that generally speaking, beeswax candles burn longer than paraffin candles. However, this isn’t necessarily the case with rolled beeswax candles. Rolled beeswax candles tend to burn faster. Therefore, although rolled beeswax candles are both easy to make and really quite beautiful, if you are a true connoisseur of natural candles, then ultimately you will want to learn how to make solid beeswax candles by melting the beeswax and adding it to a mould. It is more difficult to make solid candles using beeswax as opposed to paraffin because beeswax doesn’t release as easily from the moulds. As a result, you will need to use a release agent with your beeswax candles.

You Will Need

  1. Knife
  2. Scissors
  3. Hair dryer
  4. Primed wicks
  5. One sheet of beeswax per candle

Step 1

  1. Cut your wick so it is approximately 2 cm (¾ inch) longer than the sheet of beeswax is wide.
  2. Place your wick at one end of your beeswax sheet and then extend the wick so it so flush with one corner and protrudes 2 cm at the other end.
  3. Heat the wax with a hair dryer. Don’t melt the wax… just soften the wax to make it easier to roll by gently blowing the warm air over the beeswax sheet.

Step 2

  1. Once your beeswax has softened, begin rolling it around the wick.
  2. Roll the candle away from your body.
  3. Apply firm pressure as you roll to keep the candle tight.
  4. Use your fingers to ensure the ends of the candle remain level.

Step 3

  1. After you have rolled the candle completely, apply pressure with the padding of your thumb to press the edge of the beeswax into the candle.
  2. This takes a bit of practice, but once you have done this a few times, you will be able to minimize the seam that is created by the end of the beeswax sheet.

Visual Steps:

Kandall Wick Says:

Why not get creative! If you want, you can make your beeswax candles in a spiral shape. You achieve this by simply rolling two beeswax sheets at the same. Except, you roll them on an angle.

For really stunning effects, you can roll two sheets that have different colors. I must admit, although I like my beeswax candles to retain their natural color, when you roll two sheets with different colors together in a spiral, the result is really fabulous!

To make a tapered rolled candle, simply cut your beeswax sheet on angle. It’s best to use a ruler as a guide while cutting your beeswax to get a straight and accurate cut. Then roll as you normally would and the result will be a tapered candle. Remember to press the sheet at the bottom of the candle firmly so the candle doesn’t unravel.