If you are lazy, raise your right hand?

If you are really lazy, ask someone else to raise your hand for you?

If you’re like me, a little lazy at times, then this is the perfect candle for you. Easy to make and extremely simple.

You don’t need anything special to make this candle and it’s really cheap to make. Best of all, aluminum foil candles are really kewl… notice, it’s the hip spelling of cool!

To make this candle, you primarily need a bowl filled with sand and then some aluminum foil. The bowl itself doesn’t necessarily need to be heat resistant, although it helps. The reason why is because when you fill the bowl with moist sand, the sand will act as insulation protecting the bowl from the heat. Therefore, make sure you have enough damp sand or soil in the bowl to provide this protection. The soil or sand should be damp to help cool the wax faster.

You Will Need

  1. Wax
  2. Mould
  3. Scissors
  4. Thermometer
  5. Primed wicks
  6. Double boiler
  7. Kitchen scale
  8. Aluminum foil
  9. Bowl of cool water
  10. Dye if adding color
  11. Bowl of damp sand or dirt
  12. Stearin if making paraffin candles

Step 1

  1. Fill a bowl with damp soil or sand.
  2. Dig a hole inside the sand to size you want. I personally don’t make the hole too big as you will want to add the wick later on.
    • If making the hole bigger to make a bigger candle, then you will need to use a chop stick or something across the top to attach the wick too in place of a wicking needle.
  3. Line the hole you just made with some aluminum foil. Don’t worry about the shape. The messier the shape, the more rugged, the better. Of course, if you like your candles smooth, then make it smooth! This is a free country after all and so you can make it how you want… I just like it more rugged… as it feels more casual and relaxed to me.

Step 2

  1. Pour you hot wax into your makeshift mould.
  2. As the wax begins to cool, stick your wick in.

Step 3

  1. Once the wax has set, remove the candle from the aluminum foil.

Visual Steps:

Kandall Wick Says:

For really intriguing candles, don’t be afraid to try this method of candle making in combination with the ice candle making method.